JAIIB PPB Unit 42 - Role of Promotion in Marketing

JAIIB PPB Unit 42 - Role of Promotion in Marketing (Year: 2019)

Promotion is the exercise of communicating the properties of different elements of marketing mix to the customers with the motto of influencing them. This involves the following aims:

a) Persuasion
b) Inform
c) Reminding
d) Reinforcing

Promotion Mix

The promotion mix comprises the following tools:

Sales Promotion
Public Relations
Personal Selling
Direct Marketing

Promotion-mix Strategies

There are two basic promotion-mix strategies

Push Strategy – promotion efforts are directed at the channel members to induce them to purchase the products and sell them to the final customer.

Pull Strategy - promotion efforts are directed to the final consumer to induce them to buy the product

Factors influencing the Promotion Mix

Three major factors affecting the choice of promotion mix are

Type of Product / Market
Buyers’ Readiness Stage
Product Life Cycle Stage

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